Coronavirus and pregnancy | Is coronavirus danger for pregnant women?

Coronavirus and pregnancy | Is coronavirus danger for pregnant women?

Coronavirus : symptoms, effects and precaution during pregnancy


Coronavirus is a family or group of viruses which are found in animals. A novel Coronavirus (COVID) is new to human world and came from animal to human. It was first seen in wuhan, China in December 2019. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SERS) which is cause by some known coronaviruses to humans. COVID-19 is new and widely spreading among the world. Till now there are total cases of coronavirus is found in the world.

Coronavirus cause the COVID-19 disease to humans. It is a infectious disease mainly affects respiratory system of a person. Symptoms of coronavirus are fever, tiredness, cough, dry cough, nausea, runny nose, diarrhea and sore throat and difficulty in breathing. These symptoms are known to some people and unknown to some people they feel healthy but infected to disease. People who notice these symptoms go to the doctor immediately. 

COVID-19 is spreading through person to person, mainly through cough, sneezing droplets from infected covid-19 to a healthy person. It can also spread from the objects contaminated of covid-19 droplets, by touching these objects virus can transmit to healthy body from nose, mouth and eyes touching or rubbing from hands with virus. 

We can stay away from this covid-19 by taking some precautions to these disease. 
  • Wash your hands with antiseptics or hand wash or any antiseptic soap thoroughly.

  • People who are infected to cough and cold or ill stay at least 3 meters away from them because they may spread virus through coughing and sneezing.

  • Better to avoid travelling, specially to areas where covid-19 is spreading fast. stay at home and be healthy.

  • Use mask to cover your mouth and nose to stay away from covid-19 infections.

  • Keep distance from the objects of infected people from covid-19.

  • If you are feeling unwell, cough and cold immediately consult to doctor.

  • Stay updated about covid-19 disease and its treatment and all the related news around you.

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What about Pregnant Women:

Until now there is no evidence or any study proof about how pregnant women  affects covid-19 disease. But as study says, pregnant women have more risks of infections, viral , influenza, illness and cough and cold as compare to other people. Pregnant women have week immune system and so have more chances of  fast infecting covid-19. However in other cases as SARS and MERS corona-virus which infected pregnant women cause miscarriage, pregnancy loss, and still birth. But there is no information about COVID-19 disease during pregnancy. 

Pregnant women infected to covid-19 can transmit or not virus to fetus in her womb is still unknown. There is no proof of transferring virus to the fetus during pregnancy. Virus was not found in breast milk and amniotic fluid of pregnant women after delivery. Babies born to covid-19 infected women are not found infectious of covid-19 in some cases of China where some women with covid-19 pregnancy cases was found. Preterm birth is seen in  pregnant women with covid-19. High fever and influenza in the first trimester or early pregnancy may cause birth defects and low birth weight.

coronavirus and pregnancy

Infected mother with covid-19 can also breastfeed her newborn babies because till now no information or case is seen in which baby is infected through breastmilk. But there is no confirm information is present about breast milk and covid-19.  Covid-19 mainly spread through respiratory droplets and direct contact with infected person. 

In a recent study published in The Lancet, researchers follwed 9 nine pregnant women who had tested positive for the coronavirus in wuhan, China. The team found that at the time of birth, which was via cesarean all of the infants were healthy.

Pregnant women should follow the precautions for covid-19 which other people was advised. And also may give extra concern about health and cleanliness. 

  • Pregnant woman have much more chances of getting attack of flue or influenza so she should take flue vaccination before getting attack to any flue or influenza. It is safe and secure method of precaution. Although every cough and sneezing is not covid-19 but it will be good to take precaution before getting infected. This is the first step of precaution then rest are:  
  • Stay away from ill and infected people.

  • Eat healthy and wash hands before and after food.

  • Wash fruits and vegetables before eating.

  • Use separate napkins, towels, pillow, soap and utensils.  

  • Wash your hands with antiseptics or handwash or any antiseptic soap thoroughly.

  • People who are infected to cough and cold or ill stay at least 3 meters away from them because they may spread virus through coughing and sneezing.

  • Better to avoid travelling, specially to areas where covid-19 is spreading fast. stay at home and be healthy.

  • Use mask to cover your mouth and nose to stay away from covid-19 infections.

  • Keep distance from the objects of infected people from covid-19.

  • If you are feeling unwell, cough and cold immediately consult to doctor.

  • Stay updated about covid-19 disease and its treatment and all the related news around you.

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