Games for Your Kids to Communicate Better | Games for kids
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As kids grow physically and mentally, they also need to develop social skills that will allow them to communicate well with others. As a parent, there are many games to teach your little ones to express themselves and equip them with important life lessons.
10 Games to Teach Your Kids How to Communicate With Others
Children develop vital social skills through everyday interactions with their family, friends, and classmates. However, this does not always happen, as your kid may be too shy to express themselves. In other instances, they might not know how to demonstrate their feelings well. In addition, they may be inconsiderate of others around them.
As a parent, you’ll be glad to know that there are games to teach different communication skills to your kids to enable them to socialize better. Below, we’ll take a look at ten such games.
This involves using a set of cards with instructions on different activities printed on them. You’ll need to put the cards in a box, then let the kids choose one and play out the role written on it. They can take turns acting as teachers, parents, students, or other people in various situations. This is one of the good games to teach empathy as it allows children to put themselves in other people’s shoes and see things from their perspective.
2. Telling Stories
For this game, you’ll have to cut pictures from magazines and put them in a box. Then, let your kids take out a picture, one at a time, and narrate what they think is happening in the photo. Also, have your little ones identify the facial expressions of the people in the images and explain what feelings they’re displaying.
3. Charades
This is another activity to teach children to identify other people's feelings through their facial expressions. For this one, you’ll use cards with faces showing emotions such as happiness, sadness, boredom, disinterest, and anger. Have them act out the same expressions without using words. This is one of the best games to teach social skills, as kids will be able to identify other people’s feelings and respond appropriately.
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4. Finish the Story
When reading a children’s book to your young ones, stop near the end and ask them how it turns out. This is a fun way of encouraging creativity. Among the games to teach organization of thought, this can be an effective one, since kids will take their time to come up with an ending that they feel completes the story. For variety, you can look for several children’s books as you’re shopping for toys for 2 year old girls online.
5. Directions to Fun
This game involves letting your kids give directions to a familiar place away from your home. Then, have someone else follow these directions and see if they end up at the intended destinations. This is an excellent game to teach your kids to express their thoughts clearly in a way that others will understand.
6.What Would You Do If
What would you do if you could use games to teach ethics to your kids? Now, imagine asking your children the same question accompanied by various life situations. You can easily tweak this into games to teach kindness and other important values in life. For instance, a question like ‘What would you do if you won $10,000’ can lead to a discussion about how they can share what they have with the less fortunate.
7. Stand up for Fillers
Do you find yourself constantly using phrases such as 'um,' 'like,' 'so,' or 'uh' when talking? Well, these are filler words that people use when they're not sure how to verbally express their thoughts. They can also be a sign of nervousness. However, you can try one of the games to teach self control and speak fluently without using such fillers.
Give your little ones a topic to talk about for two to three minutes. If they use any of these phrases, the rest of the group should stand up. This encourages kids to practice more on their vocabulary to improve their eloquence.
8. Blindfold Game
For this game, divide your group of kids into two teams, then blindfold one from each team. Create an obstacle course in the room using items such as books and chairs. Each of the teams should then provide navigation instructions to their representative to help them go through the obstacle course. In the end, you’ll be able to see who used the best communication style and how they can all improve.
9. Guess the Object
All you need to do for this one is place an object inside a box and make a hole on the side where children can put their arms through. Next, let them touch the object and describe how it feels, then guess what it is. This is a fun way of using games to teach them to pay attention to details and focus on what they’re doing.
Have you ever experienced a case of misunderstanding, where you told someone one thing, but they understood it in a completely different way? Frustrating, right? Well, you can help your kids learn how to receive information and pass it on accurately with the help of the telephone game.
Let the little ones form a circle, then whisper something to the kid on your right. This should go on until the message is passed through the circle and back to you. Will the kid on your left side whisper to you the same thing that you told the child on your right?
The chances are that you may be surprised as what’s whispered back to you has nothing in common with the message you initially passed across. The telephone is one of the games to teach honesty, as it encourages children to pass the right information without trying to exaggerate or change it.
Games to Teach for a Better Social Life
There are countless games to teach responsibility and other skills in life through observation, speaking, and listening. Those listed above can also be used as games to teach manners since children will be expected to obey certain rules for fair play. When teaching your kids communication skills, remember to be patient and correct them with love.
Doing this in public may cause them to withdraw and cower from expressing their true feelings. Instead of being harsh when they respond to a particular situation inappropriately, use games to teach boundaries so that they’ll be able to respond well the next time it happens.
Let us know in the comments below what games to teach respect do you know that have helped your kids become better speakers and listeners.
Author’s Bio
Amalia Liberman is a wife and a mother of two as well as a novelist and writer, the author has been featured in Women's Health magazine and also written different articles in lifestyle magazines. Her passions lead her to search out knowledge with all her searching and she doesn’t mind sharing her findings.